Lesson 2: Multi-Channel Campaign components

Lesson 2: The components of Multi-Channel campaigns.

Learn all about the components of a multi-channel campaign in Zym and how they connect together to create seamless marketing campaigns.

You're well on your way to becoming a multi-channel campaigns expert!

After completion of this lesson, the learner should be able to outline and understand the flow of the components in a multi-channel campaign 1) *email 2) landing page 3) post entry page 4) autoresponder email, and the purpose they all serve in the multi-channel campaign.

Also, the learner should understand when to use a form and when not to use a form to gate valuable content to assess prospect buyer intent.

*Email will automatically drop when other channels for example Social are linked and will have a direct link to the landing page, post-entry & autoresponder in the campaign.


  • Read our knowledge base here and create multi-channel campaigns in minutes.
  • Download our blog on 3 mistakes that marketers make creating marketing campaigns here.

Sending Happy Learning Vibes - You're nearly halfway done!

The Zym team.

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