Lesson 2: Automated Workflows Deep Dive
Lesson 2 The Deep Dive
Learn more in-depth knowledge points about Zym Automated Workflows
You're well on your way to becoming an Automated Workflows expert!
After completion of this lesson, the Learner should be able to outline and understand more about the functionality of automated workflows in Zym. Including:
1) Triggers, what they are, and what they do.
2) Actions, what they are, and what they do.
3) Conditions, what they are, and what they do.
- How to create an automated workflow here
- Access our knowledge base here and learn more about triggers, actions, and conditions.
- Learn more here about automated workflows.
- Here's some advice from our Zymplify blog series here "8 things to consider before you start Marketing Automation"
- Download our goal-setting document which you can use to plan out your automated workflows. Download below.
Sending Happy Learning Vibes - You're nearly halfway there!
The Zym team.